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What is CDR FoodLabs for Beer?

CDR FoodLabs for Beer is an innovative thermostatically controlled analyzer based on photometric technology featuring LED emitters and reagents with low toxicity. Designed to perform in-house processes and quality controls, this advanced system simplifies and optimizes traditional methods making it easier, faster and more reliable. With just one analyzer, this device efficiently detects contaminants and chemical residues, identifies quality inconsistencies and ensures product safety.

What Can You Analyze?

CDR FoodLabs For Beverage can perform a wide range of tests on beer, enabling quality analysis and efficient monitoring at every stage of the brewing process.

Where Can You Analyze?

You can analyze in laboratories and in production facilities without the need for specialized personnel.

Analysis Time

In Just 15 minutes.

Measurement Principle

Photometric technology

Measuring Parameters

A complete analysis panel to measure Bitterness (IBU), Fermentable Sugars, Alcohol by Volume (ABV), Acetic acid, Yeast Vitality, Vicinal Diketons (VDKs), Total Sulfur Dioxide, Free Amino Nitrogen (FAN) by OPA, Colour, Starch, pH, Lactic Acid (D+L), Polyphenols, Carbohydrates, Alkalinity, Bicarbonate, Calcium, Zinc, Sulfate, Magnesium, Potassium, and Chloride.


Swift & Time Saving Analysis

CDR FoodLabs For Beer helps you independently and efficiently carry out the analysis without the need for external laboratories or relying on technical experts. Its multitasking features also contribute to reducing the analysis time by accelerating procedures, simultaneously analyzing 16 samples and efficiently delivering precise results in just a few minutes.

Robust & Reliable

Our solutions are trusted in the industry for their reliability and efficiency in delivering results with precision. With the use of advanced photometric technology featuring LED emitters at fixed wavelengths, the device guarantees high sensitivity, a wide measuring range and exceptional repeatability of test results.

Ease Of Use

CDR FoodLabs has been engineered in such a way that it can be used not only in the laboratory but also on the production line for real-time results. It’s simple and can be easily operated by any personnel without the need for technical training. Additionally, the instrument has an online HELP function with step-by-step user guide.

Technical Specifications

Included calibrations
TESTMeasuring rangeResolutionRepeatabilityTest time
Sugars (GFMS)15.0-200.0 g/L0.1 g/L1.6 g/L13 mins
Sugars (GFM)0.1-18.0 g/L0.1 g/L0.2 g/L6 mins 6 mins
15-200 g/L1 g/L2 g/L
Lactic acid D+L150-3500 ppm1 ppm73 ppm10 mins
Bitterness5.0-80.0 IBU0.1 IBU1.5 IBU11 mins
ColourEBC 1-100 SRM 0.5-50.0EBC 1 SRM 0.1EBC 1 SRM 0.31 min
Alcohol content0.002-0.200% vol0.001% vol0.002% vol11 mins
Alcohol content0.10-1.00% vol0.01% vol0.01% vol11 mins
Alcohol content1.0-17.0% vol0.1% vol0.2% vol11 mins
VDKs0.05 - 2.00 mg/L0.01 mg/L0.06 mg/L5 mins
Yeast Vitality0.5 – 2.6 AP0.1 AP0.1 AP25 mins
Acetic acid20 - 220 mg/L1 mg/L11 mg/L6 mins
pH3.60- min
Calcium20-150 ppm1 ppm5 ppm8 mins
Starch0.10-5.00 g/L0.01 g/L0.07 g/L1 min
Carbohydrates2.0 – 80.0 g/L0.1 g/L0.6 g/L13 mins
FAN30 - 300 mg/L1 mg/L15 mg/L4 mins
Total SO21.0-30.0 ppm0.1 ppm0.7 ppm210mins min
Polyphenols5 - 550 mg/L 5-550 mg/L1 mg/L 1 mg/L5 mg/L10 mins
Zinc0.10-1.00 mg/L0.01 mg/L0.02 mg/L6 mins
0.90-10.00 mg/L0.01 mg/L0.16 mg/L6 mins

Easy Steps For Effortless Results

Solutions For Seamless Business Operations

At Everest Instruments, our services extend far beyond sales or purchases. They mark the beginning of a journey built on trust and continuity, ensuring your business operations are safeguarded throughout. Explore our cutting-edge devices designed to simplify the entire food & beverage industry process. Experience the benefits of our compact, lightweight and automated instruments tailored to elevate overall product quality.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is CDR FoodLab?

CDR FoodLab is a line of chemical analysis systems for quality and process control of foods and beverages. It can be used in the laboratory or on the production line, even without the need for specialised personnel.

What are the conditions required for a CDR FoodLab analyzer to work?

The CDR FoodLab analyzer is a device that can perform chemical analyses on various types of food and beverages, such as nuts, seeds, oils, wine, beer, etc1 Some of the conditions required for the analyzer to work are:
  • No use of toxic solvents 
  • Reading and incubation cells are thermostated at 37 °C 
  • No organic acid based cleaning substances should be applied

What Can you analyze in CDR FoodLab Beer?

With the CDR BeerLab analysis system, it is possible to carry out a wide range of analyses of beer, wort and water. With just one instrument, you can analyze more quickly and easily than what is possible through traditional methods - and all this independently, without the need for external laboratories.

Where can I buy the CDR FoodLab for Beer instrument?

The CDR FoodLab for Beer instrument is available through Everest Instruments Pvt. Ltd. as the exclusive authorized distributor.

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